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5 code refactoring patterns, with examples

First-time finished code is rarely elegant or maintainable. Refactoring helps keep a growing codebase maintainable and extendable over time -- as long as you know where to stop.

Top REST API URL naming convention standards

There is no official REST URL naming standard. However, these 15 RESTful API naming conventions will help you create highly interoperable web services.

10 constructor types in Java

How many different types of Java constructors could you name? The Java spec names 10. Generic, canonical and anonymous Java constructor types just might be new to you.

How Java 17 records work

Devs aren't using Java 17 records nearly enough. With the power to clean up your code and make your apps faster, Java records should be the norm and not the exception.

Undo and revert pushed Git commits

If you want to undo a git push, you have one of two options: revert or reset. It's safest to revert a pushed commit, but a reset is only to permanently delete a pushed commit.

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