Agile infographic: 10 facts about the Agile Manifesto
How well do you know the Manifesto for Agile software development? Here are 10 interesting facts about the Agile Manifesto's principles and values.
A better Gitflow diagram with branches, merges and color
Developers deserve a better Gitflow diagram, so we've given it to them. See the new and improved Gitflow diagram with support and bugfix branches and a bit of color.
A Java programming career path can open doors beyond code
A Java programming career path can lead to so much more than code. Programmers should consider these options that extend beyond the confines of software development.
How the process automation industry has changed during COVID-19
Process automation can help corporate budget planners cut costs and create efficiencies in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Expect companies that sell these tools to see significant growth in these times.
How to install Python on Windows
Constructor injection vs. setter injection in Spring Boot
Connect Java apps to ChatGPT using OpenAI and Spring Boot
How Quarkus fits into the Red Hat Runtimes formula
Focus on the artifact for an organizational DevOps strategy
Java video games, like Minecraft, keep the language popular
Let's talk bitcoin and building blockchain apps fast with Hyperledger
Chef's InSpec 2.0 brings compliance automation to the cloud
Database automation drives DevOps into the persistence layer