
Five Neat Things You Can Do Out of the Box with Liferay Portal

If you've ever run a competitive portal, you know that so many of them have little more than the "weather portlet" or "bookmarks" portlet after installation. Liferay is amazing because it has such full featured functionality 'out of the box.' Here's just five featuers I love about Liferay Portal 6.1.

If you've played with an enterprise portal, you know that so many of them have little more than the "weather portlet" or "bookmarks" portlet after installation. Liferay is amazing because it has such full featured functionality 'out of the box.' 

This video goes through five neat features that are active, right out of the box, when you install Liferay Portal. Those five things?

  1. The ability to make friends with other registered users
  2. The ability to see status updates from other users
  3. The ability to update a Facebook-like wall
  4. The fact that the back button works, something the folks at IBM and WebSphere have historically had a real problem with
  5. The ability to quickly configure a full featured Wiki

The video below walks you through all of these features in less than ten minutes. Amazing.

A high resolution version is also available.




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