Spring Web MVC crash course

The use of server-side rendering frameworks such as Spring Web MVC remains pervasive in the world of insurance, healthcare, government and finance, despite the rising popularity of client-side rendering frameworks including Angular, Vue and React.

If you want to stay relevant in server-side application development with Spring Boot, knowledge of Spring Web MVC is an absolute requirement.

What does Spring MVC do?

Spring MVC originated as a server-side rendering technology for web applications, but its utility has grown far beyond HTML page generation.

In this Spring Web MVC crash course, you will learn how to use technologies such as Thymeleaf and Handlebars to simplify website development, and how to use the same Spring MVC APIs to create RESTful APIs for microservices.

Spring MVC lays the foundation for RESTful API development with Spring Boot, which is one of the reasons why all Spring Boot developers should be familiar with it.

Spring Web MVC tutorial

In this Spring Web MVC crash course for beginners, you'll learn about the key technologies you must know to quickly become productive with Spring Boot and Spring MVC.

In this hour-long tutorial, you'll learn Spring MVC from scratch. You'll create a Spring Boot project in Eclipse and build your understanding of Spring MVC as you add iteratively and incrementally to the project. By the end of this Spring Web MVC tutorial, you'll understand and appreciate the following tasks:

  • How to use @GetMapping and @PostMapping annotations to handle HTTP requests.
  • The difference between Controller and RestController stereotypes.
  • How to extract data through headers, request parameters and form submissions.
  • The difference between GET and POST operations.
  • How to perform CRUD operations with a Spring Data JDBC repository.
  • How to create RESTful APIs with Spring Web MVC and return JSON to the client.
  • The difference between Spring versus Spring Boot versus Spring MVC.

If that list of topics sounds intimidating, don't worry -- they're all explained in detail and with simple, easy-to-follow Spring MVC examples.

Diagram of the Spring Web MVC design pattern.
Spring Web MVC builds upon the popular model-view-controller design pattern.

Advanced Spring Web MVC tutorials

With the foundation built from watching this Spring MVC crash course, you'll be prepared to tackle more advanced topics that are pertinent to building cloud-native, 12-factor microservices with Spring Boot, including the following:

If you're interested in Spring and want a strong foundation in cloud-native development with Spring Boot, this Spring Web MVC crash course is the perfect place for you to start.

Cameron McKenzie is an enterprise solution architect with extensive experience in the field of Docker, Kubernetes, DevOps and microservices.

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