Borderless blockchain collaboration to change how software is developed

The gaming industry has, despite its roots in technology, so far failed to adopt a collaborative model. But that may be about to change.

Gamers are known as among the most passionate of the world’s digital communities and more games are being released than ever before. This wealth of releases brings a major problem: it is extremely difficult for indie studios and developers to rival the influence of multinational companies and bring attention to new games.

Blockchain technology could take advantage of the popularity of borderless online communities and be the catalyst that transforms this situation. New platforms, such as Gamestatix, will soon provide a level playing field for all developers, no matter how small. With more sophisticated technology, we can expect to see borderless collaboration continue, on a far wider and more advanced scale.

Rewards for co-creation?

When blockchain and cryptocurrencies were in their infancy, there was no feasible way to financially reward gamers on mass for co-creating games. Now these technologies are established, a model where co-creators are guaranteed financial rewards is possible. Now community creators will quickly become third party developers and gain financial rewards for their work.

Gamers who play and review games could receive cryptocurrency. Developers will in-turn have access to millions of gamers throughout the entire creation process, and will even be able to license user generated content, sell, and market the games through the platform. All of this could happen with blockchain collaboration. And this new model comes ahead of a key transition in the global labor market.

While it is widely known AI and automation could render many traditional jobs obsolete, it is also true new careers will arise. For some, this could mean part-time passions may become full-time careers. But blockchain collaboration is different from the current sharing economy, as the livelihoods of players and developers will be able to bypass economic turmoil in their countries of residence.

Accessing world-wide talent

With blockchain facilitated peer-to-peer cryptocurrency payments and transactions, employers are now able to pay anyone anywhere in the world, and ultimately tap into a global talent pool.

In the UK, according to TIGA’s 2018 business survey, more than two-thirds (68 percent) of video games firms plan to increase their workforce. But 29 percent of developers are concerned about Brexit’s impact on their ability to recruit the right talent. “In order to grow and thrive, the UK video games industry will need to continue to recruit talent on a global level,” said Dr Richard Wilson, TIGA CEO, in a statement.

The ability to call on a dedicated community with a wealth of knowledge and expertise means developers will be able to efficiently generate, curate and promote their content.

Meanwhile make choices based on what they hear about from the communities they trust, rather than traditional brand placements. This allows developers to take advantage of the multiplier effect: the wider a gamer’s reach, the greater the awareness and interest among newer audience groups.

Deeper community involvement will yield game co-creation and will allow developers to work directly with community moderators and creators to formally co-craft, publish and sell add-on content that resonates with their communities.

The games industry could use blockchain collaboration technology and secure cryptocurrencies to lead the way, recognize talents and encourage real innovation and creativity, all while power and wealth are distributed.

A work revolution?

With blockchain involved in work, everything from recruitment to collaborative labor, finances and contracts can be far more productive, efficient, and democratic.

The video game industry should be optimistic. With a blockchain-facilitated, collaborative global workforce of gamers and developers on the horizon the industry is primed to revolutionize the world of work for its own people. It will influence other sectors as well.

Dean Anderson is the Co-Founder of Gamestatix

Gamestatix is an upcoming social platform for the co-creation of PC games that recognises, encourages and rewards user contribution, whilst giving game developers access to global pool of talent to efficiently generate, curate and promote their content. The company was founded in 2016 by Dean Anderson, Visar Statovci and Valon Statovci.

Gamestatix is currently preparing to launch an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) – a form of crowdfunding for cryptocurrency and blockchain projects.

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