CloudBees answers the call with a Jenkins private SaaS edition

CloudBees has made a name for itself by providing cloud-based approaches to Jenkins users, but its latest private SaaS edition gives users more control over their Jenkins CI infrastructure.

Any organization that is serious about DevOps and continuous integration knows about CloudBees. They're the organization that provides a Jenkins-based SaaS platform in the cloud. But the company's latest offering, the CloudBees Jenkins Platform Private SaaS edition, represents a departure from its cloud-based heritage.

Big enterprise customers have come to us and said, 'We want to provide Jenkins as a service internally to our teams.'

Dan Juengst,
senior director of product marketing, CloudBees

"Big enterprise customers have come to us and said, 'We want to provide Jenkins as a service internally to our teams. We want to be able to control it and run it on our own infrastructure but also provide the as-a-service capability,'" said Dan Juengst, senior director of product marketing at CloudBees. And that's exactly what CloudBees has done. The company has provided a SaaS-based, Jenkins platform over which clients can have significantly more control.

It is still a cloud-based product because it must be hosted on a cloud-based system, with the two current options being either an OpenStack installation, or inside any Amazon cloud instance that has a virtual private cloud connection back to the enterprise.

So what are the big selling features of a private SaaS offering? Control tends to be the biggest selling point. Organizations can take advantage of the same CloudBees product they've used in the past but also gain greater control over security, perform auditing at a more fine-grained level, manage compute resources internally and exert administrative control over how the product is used. It is a win-win situation for CloudBees and for the client.

To learn more about the CloudBees Private SaaS edition, listen to the podcast in which TheServerSide speaks with Juengst. Along with information about some of the latest CloudBees offerings, Juengst provides insights into what plugins are trending the most and how continuous integration is expanding beyond deployment and across the entire application lifecycle. You'll also hear what Juengst believes will be the big trends in terms of Jenkins and DevOps in the year ahead.

Would you prefer a private SaaS approach over a cloud-based Jenkins offering? Let us know.

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