
Easing Jenkins and Docker integration pains at Jenkins World 2016

Many organizations are struggling with Jenkins and Docker integration, but CloudBees CEO Sacha Labourey says guidance can be found at Jenkins World 2016.

Helping to drive organizational transformation appears to be the underlying theme this year's Jenkins World conference in San Francisco, with the new trend being the apparent need to share strategies on effective Jenkins and Docker integration. course, Docker is new, while Jenkins and concepts like continuous integration and continuous deployment are becoming commonplace. Jenkins itself has become almost standard, as the process of running a test suite, packaging code and automating application deployment is now common in any moderately progressive development shop. But going beyond simple Jenkins implementation and actually transforming the way an organization works is something completely different, and it's a process with which many organizations are grappling.

Looking for a Jenkins CI quickstart? These concise and easy to follow Jenkins tutorials will quickly get you on your way towards mastering the popular continuous integration and continuous delivery tool.

Learn Jenkins fast: A continuous integration quickstart

Part 1 --  to Jenkins tutorial: Download, installation and configuration

Part 2 -- A simple Jenkins build job example

Part 3 -- Do a Jenkins GitHub pull request with the Git plugin

Part 4 -- Jenkins, Git and a paramaterized build

Part 5 -- Inject Git and Jenkins environment variables into your scripts

Part 6 -- Compare Maven versus Jenkins

Part 7 -- Test your knowledge with this Jenkins quiz

Part 8 -- DevOps job prep: Tough Jenkins interview questions and answers

This cultural transformation comes in many permutations. For some, it's the process of integrating more cloud-based technologies. For companies chasing container-based technology, the permutation might be the challenges surrounding Docker and Jenkins integration, while other organizations are challenging themselves by embarking upon a full-scale DevOps immersion, along with all of the culture clashes that go with it. At Jenkins World 2016, CloudBees CEO Sacha Labourey hopes the big takeaway for attendees will be enhanced insights on how to make their transformations successful -- from learning how to get started to thinking up innovative ways to initiate change.

Strategies for Jenkins and Docker integration

Of course, strategies for adopting cloud-based software-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service technologies, or guidance on how to integrate DevOps-based practices within an organization are all topics that have garnered a significant amount of attention over the past few years, resulting in a wealth of case studies and written material. The new frontier in the world of continuous integration and Jenkins deployments is the use of software containers, like Docker, and Container orchestration tools, such as Kubernetes and Swarm. Jenkins and Docker integration is the new frontier in the world of continuous integration.

In the most simple of terms, containerization is a new form of virtualization, and organizations have been doing continuous integration in virtualized environments for years, so one wouldn't think the leap to container-based DevOps would be much of a problem -- but it can be. From self-destructive nesting of containers within containers to the struggle to deploy into Docker Swarm, or even the deployment of the distributed containers themselves, Jenkins and Docker integration can end up complicating matters, as opposed to simplifying them.

According to Labourey, the keys with container-based DevOps are education, insights and best practices. "What is missing is guidance and best practices," Labourey said, something the organizers of the Jenkins World conference hope will be addressed through Birds of a Feather sessions, workshops and sessions, such as Continuously Deploying Containers with Jenkins and Thinking Inside the Container: A Continuous Delivery Story.

To learn more about DevOps, containers, Jenkins World and CI, along with Labourey's insights on how best to do DevOps with CloudBees, Jenkins and container-based deployments, download the accompanying podcast.

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