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A monolithic vs. cloud-native migration quiz for developers

Are you prepared for a cloud-native migration? This quiz contrasts the microservice vs. monolithic approaches to software development and will help gauge your knowledge.

If organizations with legacy, monolithic systems want to take advantage of modern DevOps technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, they must make the migration towards cloud-native architectures. While there are undeniable benefits when a team creates an easily containerized 12-factor app that's deployed to popular PaaS and SaaS offerings, there are challenges architects must be aware of.

Try your hand at this monolithic to cloud-native migration quiz to test your knowledge of modern software architectures and the challenges microservices pose in terms of performance, manageability, security and development. If you score well on this monolith vs. cloud-native architectures quiz, you'll be well aware of the potential pitfalls you might encounter when you refactor your applications.

Dig Deeper on DevOps-driven, cloud-native app development

App Architecture
Software Quality
Cloud Computing