Five Oracle Code One sessions you don't want to miss

Going over my Oracle Code One schedule for 2018, there are five sessions that I’m particularly interesting in attending:

  1. From Monoliths to Pragmatic Microservices with Java EE
  2. Automating Your CI/CD Stack with Java and Groovy
  3. Fully Reactive: Spring, Kotlin, JavaFX, and MongoDB
  4. Jakarta EE: What Does It Mean for Enterprise Java?
  5. Is Your JVM Speaking to You?

Automating Your CI/CD Stack with Java and Groovy

TheServerSide has been running a number of Jenkins tutorials and continuous integration build examples as part of our ongoing discussion on DevOps technologies. But we’ve only scratched the surface when it comes to using the Groovy programming language and implementing pipeline as code, which makes this session on continuous integration and continuous delivery with Groovy particularly interesting to me.

The speakers for this session are also noteworthy. Both Jeanne Boyarsky and Scott Selikoff are fellow moderators at the CodeRanch, have a reputation as being entertaining speakers, and have a long history of giving back to the Java community. They also wrote a popular Java certification guide together.

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Fully Reactive: Spring, Kotlin, JavaFX, and MongoDB Playing Together

While Jenkins has been enjoying quite a bit of coverage at TSS, reactive programming hasn’t been getting nearly enough. The same could be said for Kotlin. I’m hoping this session will help reverse that trend and inspire a few new articles on the subject.

The speakers for this session are Java Champions Trisha Gee and Josh Long. Gee has provided insights on a variety of topics for TheServerSide in the past, while Pivotal evangelist Long has been a bit of a slippery fish, but we’re pretty sure we will be able to get an interview with him later this year or next. Long made a few Twitter posts about feeling unwell, but everyone is hoping he is feeling well enough to attend and speak.

From Monoliths to Pragmatic Microservices with Java EE – BYOL

I don’t deny the benefits of cloud native computing, but I’m still not convinced that every enterprise solution should be rewritten as a set of microservices. I also find much of the talk about going from monoliths to microservices rather disingenuous. The discussion tends to just set up various overused straw man arguments that have been used to flog everything from EJBs to SOA. A pragmatic approach to the topic interests me, although I’m waiting to see just how pragmatic a set of microservice advocates can be on the topic.

Speaking of microservices evangelits, this talk rounds up three heavy hitters: Ivar Grimstad, Principal Consultant, Cybercom Sweden, Reza Rahman, Senior Vice President, AxonIQ and Ondro Mihalyi, Senior Engineer, Payara. There certainly won’t be any shortage of expertise on the subject of microservices, that’s for sure.

Jakarta EE: What Is It and What Does It Mean for Enterprise Java?

As the name of this site clearly implies, the central focus here is server side Java, and no other technology is more pertinent to that focus than is  enterprise Java.

The session description says “Java EE has been the dominant enterprise Java standard for well over a decade. With the release of Jakarta EE, we all have a chance to collaborate and build on the good things it inherits while working to evolve those pieces that were perhaps never quite what was needed.” This session goes directly to the heart of what TSS is all about.

Is Your JVM Speaking to You?

Kirk Pepperdine is in town again, and once again, he’s talking about talking with the JVM.

The Java Virtual Machine is at the heart of everything we do in the Java world, and few people know as much about tuning it as Pepperdine does. In this session, the focus is logging, specifically the JVM’s new unified logging system. Pepperdine will be demonstrating how to use it, how to understand it, and how to squeeze more out of it than usual by knowing how to configure the JVM to spill its little known secrets.

Those are the five sessions to which I’m most looking forward, although there’s nothing on my fully packed schedule that isn’t interesting. But I think those five really reflect not only my interests, but the key interests of those who have a passion for server side Java.

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