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Java developer tutorials a popular destination for 2018 readers
What were readers interested in during 2018? Java developer tutorials topped the list. Learn how to integrate RESTful APIs, GIT, and Jenkins CI tools.
The most popular articles on TheServerSide tend to be the highly technical ones that hit directly at the heart of the enterprise Java developer. While we report important news, discuss interesting trends and cover key conferences, the most-read articles tend to be the ones that deal directly with development. For 2018, our most popular articles were Java developer tutorials on new APIs, frameworks such as Spring or the tools and techniques server-side developers use to move code into production.
Here is some of our best and essential coverage for developers on the front lines.
Integration is always a challenge on the back end. So it's no wonder that readers have the development of RESTful APIs with both Spring and Java EE on their minds. These Java developer tutorials were particularly popular:
- Step-by-step Spring Boot RESTful web services tutorial with SpringSource Tool Suite.
- Step-by-step RESTful web service tutorial with Eclipse.
Web-centric applications
This article on using Spring boot to develop web-centric applications was a surprise hit:
- Spring MVC tutorial: How Spring Boot web MVC makes Java app development easy.
Git and GitHub integrations
Of course, our readers are interested in more than just development APIs. They want to know about the tools that make developers productive and how to use them effectively. Git topped the list of tools enterprise developers are learning to master. These Java developer tutorials on Git and GitHub integration were extremely popular:
- Five basic Git commands developers must master.
- What is the difference between GitHub and Git?
- Need to undo previous local commits? Just git reset and push.
CI/CD tools for DevOps
DevOps is also a topic that is picking up steam, particularly ways to put DevOps tools to use. TheServerSide in 2018 offered these continuous integration and continuous delivery tutorials:
- Jenkins CI tutorial for beginners.
- Jenkins interview questions for DevOps engineers.
- Tips and tricks for the Jenkins Git Plugin.
Maven, the jack of all builds
These articles showed that Maven, the Swiss army knife of Java development tools, remained a popular topic:
- Jenkins vs. Maven: Compare these build and integration tools.
- Why you need to master Maven's fundamental concepts.
- How to install Maven and build apps with the mvn command line.
TheServerSide will continue to cover a variety of topics that touch all areas of software development, from ensuring code quality to how to best embark upon a DevOps transition. As always, the focus will be on what empowers our readers to be better and more productive developers.