

  • June 13, 2022 13 Jun'22

    How to format a Java double with printf example

    Formatting output in Java doesn't have to be hard. Here's how to use Java printf with double values to control decimal precision, thousands groupings and character width when you format ...

  • June 12, 2022 12 Jun'22

    How to setup the Nginx Proxy Manager Docker example

    Learn how to setup and install the Nginx Proxy Manager from Docker Hub. This simple tool greatly simplifies the configuration of Nginx reverse proxy servers, asset caching, host redirecting and SSL ...

  • June 11, 2022 11 Jun'22

    Example Java String palindrome checker program using recursion

    There are many ways to write a Java String palindrome program. In this Java palindrome example we demonstrate recursion and how the use of loops, arrays, Scanner and the reverse method can improve ...

  • June 10, 2022 10 Jun'22

    How to git push an existing project to Bitbucket

    Follow these simple steps to push an existing project to a Bitbucket repo, and successfully add all of the code on your local machine into a remote Bitbucket repository.

  • June 10, 2022 10 Jun'22

    Java array size, length and loop examples

    How do you find the size of a Java array? How do you size Java arrays when you create them? And is the Java array size fixed? Here we answer all of your questions about the size of a Java array.

  • June 10, 2022 10 Jun'22

    How do I install Java?

    To install Java the right way, there are a few things to know. Just sort out the perquisites and you'll be able to install Java and the JDK in no time flat.

  • June 09, 2022 09 Jun'22

    How do I find the Java array length?

    How do you find the size of an array in Java? Just use the array length property. But there are some 'gotchas' to be aware of. Read this Java array length tutorial and stay clear of runtime errors ...

  • June 09, 2022 09 Jun'22

    How do I find the Java String length?

    The need to find the length of a Java String is a common programming requirement. Learn how to get the size of a Java String and avoid lengthy errors developers often encounter.

  • June 09, 2022 09 Jun'22

    Java length vs length(): What's the difference?

    Have you ever been confused between length and length() in Java? Here we show you the difference between Java length properties and methods, and when to use them in your code.

  • June 09, 2022 09 Jun'22

    How to run a Jar file

    How do you run a JAR file on Windows, Mac or Linux? Double click the JAR? Run the JAR at the command line? Several approaches will work if you have Java or the JDK installed.

  • June 08, 2022 08 Jun'22

    Fix the 'expected a step' Jenkins error

    Have you encountered the 'expected a step' error in Jenkins? Are you using a declarative pipeline? Here's the most likely way to fix the 'expected a step' error in Jenkins.

  • June 08, 2022 08 Jun'22

    'Java Not Recognized' Error Fix

    Here are three easy ways to fix the 'Java not recognized as an external or external command' error on both Windows and Linux machines.

  • June 07, 2022 07 Jun'22

    The best Jar file opener app

    There are many Java JAR file openers available on the market today. Here are the top 5 JAR file openers for both Java developers and casual users to install on their Windows or Linux machines.

  • June 07, 2022 07 Jun'22

    How to open a JAR file

    You can open JAR files with any ZIP utility. A JAR file is just a special type of ZIP file. And to run a Java JAR file, just install Java and either double-click it or run the JAR file at the ...

  • June 06, 2022 06 Jun'22

    How to setup a Docker Nginx reverse proxy server example

    The ability to put an Nginx reverse proxy in a Docker container greatly simplifies enterprise architectures. Here's how easy it is to setup and configure an Nginx reverse proxy Docker image and ...

  • June 04, 2022 04 Jun'22

    How to install Docker and docker compose on Ubuntu

    Modern day development happens in containers. Which is why it's imperative that you know how to setup and install Docker and docker compose on your local Ubuntu workstation. In this tutorial, we'll ...

  • June 01, 2022 01 Jun'22

    How do I install Java on Ubuntu?

    Here's the easiest way to install Java on Ubuntu with apt. Follow these steps and you'll get the JDK installed in no time, and be ready to use your Java on Ubuntu setup right away.

  • June 01, 2022 01 Jun'22

    How do I install Java on Windows?

    To install Java on Windows you only need to follow these five simple steps. In this quick tutorial, we'll show you how to setup Java on Windows and run apps like Minecraft and Apache Tomcat on the JDK.

  • May 31, 2022 31 May'22

    How to create a database schema in MySQL

    Want to work with MySQL databases using Java? Here's a quick walkthrough of the first step to do that: create a schema.

  • May 31, 2022 31 May'22

    How should developers approach professional development?

    There's a joke that goes like this: A doctor takes his Mercedes in for a brake job. When he picks up the vehicle the next day, the mechanic presents him with a bill for $2000. "Two thousand dollars ...

  • May 31, 2022 31 May'22

    How to write an Agile user story

    Agile user stories describe software project requirements as needed by different end users. Follow these guidelines to translate user needs into product features and business value.

  • May 29, 2022 29 May'22

    Create a Bitbucket App Password example

    Learn how to quickly create a Bitbucket App Password so your Git push and clone operations don't fail with fatal 'invalid credentials for authentication' errors.

  • May 28, 2022 28 May'22

    How to setup an Nginx reverse proxy server example

    Here's a quick tutorial to setup an Nginx reverse proxy server. This example uses an Apache Tomcat server but the config settings apply for other backend app servers such as Node, Express, ...

  • May 27, 2022 27 May'22

    How to setup PHP on Nginx with fastCGI (PHP-FPM) example

    Here's a quick tutorial on how to setup Nginx with PHP support. The key? The installation of fastCGI, aka PHP-FPM, so Nginx can serve PHP files to clients.

  • May 24, 2022 24 May'22

    Create a GitHub Personal Access Token example

    This walkthrough shows how to generate a GitHub personal access token, and use the GitHub personal access token to clone, pull, fetch and push changes back to your GitHub repository.

  • May 24, 2022 24 May'22

    How to customize Git Bash Shell prompt settings

    Want to style and customize your user and hostname properties that display in the Git Bash prompt? This quick example shows you how to quickly customize your Git Bash terminal window.

  • May 22, 2022 22 May'22

    Columns vs rows: What's the difference?

    Learn the difference between columns vs rows, and learn how the use of rows and columns to organize objects and information in spreadsheets and tables has improved various fields from data ...

  • May 20, 2022 20 May'22

    Docker run vs docker-compose: What's the difference?

    Both docker run and docker-compose can be used to start Docker containers, but there are key differences between the two. Here we explore the differences between docker-compose and docker run, and ...

  • May 19, 2022 19 May'22

    Git commit config and credential confusion causes consternation for customers

    A user who accidentally provides a GitHub username and password instead of the Git username and email address may have inadvertently published their security credentials to the world.

  • May 18, 2022 18 May'22

    Dockerfile vs docker-compose: What's the difference?

    What's the difference between Dockerfile and docker-compose? These simple examples compare Dockerfile, the docker-compose.yaml file and important commands to build Docker images and run Docker ...

  • May 17, 2022 17 May'22

    How to setup an Apache reverse proxy server example

    Most enterprise architectures use Apache as a reverse proxy, but it is not configured for that by default. In this quick tutorial, we show you how to configure an Apache reverse proxy for backend ...

  • May 17, 2022 17 May'22

    How to use docker-compose with Apache httpd example

    Want to configure and run an Apache httpd Docker container to serve website files from a local system? This example shows the best way to do that, using the "docker-compose" command and YAML file.

  • May 17, 2022 17 May'22

    Deploy your website with a Docker Apache httpd container volume

    The best way to run Docker's httpd Apache web server image is to map a volume that points to local files on your hard drive. This example shows you how to run Apache in Docker without the need to ...

  • May 17, 2022 17 May'22

    How to dockerize Apache httpd websites example

    Need to dockerize Apache? Want to build a custom Docker httpd image that hosts your website? Here's a simple Apache Dockerfile example to build a custom httpd Docker image for your website.

  • May 09, 2022 09 May'22

    Imperative vs. declarative Kubernetes commands: What's the difference?

    Imperative and declarative Kubernetes commands are the two different ways to configure the state of your clustered environment. Here we compare declarative versus imperative commands and show you ...

  • April 19, 2022 19 Apr'22

    Hibernate 6.0 release marks a milestone for JPA 3.x development

    Hibernate 6.0 has finally been released. Here's what this full increment release means for developers who use JPA for persistence.

  • February 14, 2022 14 Feb'22

    Noon is not 12am. Midnight is not 12pm. Code appropriately.

    The terms 12am and 12pm make no logical sense. Neither one is noon or midnight. Remove the 12am vernacular from your applications. Users will thank you.

  • February 08, 2022 08 Feb'22

    How to convert a PEM file to PPK format example

    Need to SSH into a remote server with PuTTY but your PEM file just won do the trick? Here's a quick example of how to convert a PEM file to PPK format with PuTTYGen so your SSH sessions with PuTTY ...

  • February 07, 2022 07 Feb'22

    Node.js file upload example with Ajax and JavaScript

    The Node.js file upload process is made easy with libraries like 'fs' and 'formidable.' In this JavaScript and Node.js file upload example, we show you how to move files from the browser to the ...

  • January 26, 2022 26 Jan'22

    How to create an AWS account alias

    Need to create, change or rename an AWS account alias? It's not too hard to do, and your users will thank you. Here are the steps to do it.

  • January 23, 2022 23 Jan'22

    Comparing Rest vs GraphQL on performance and ease of use

    The problem with RESTful web services that use JSON or XML as a data exchange is bloat and verbosity. Compare REST vs GraphQL performance if you want to simplify your web API development.

  • January 21, 2022 21 Jan'22

    Why we use ./ (dot slash) to run Linux scripts?

    Ever wonder why you need a ./ before a Unix shell script or command of your own in order to run it? Here's what the Linux dot slash does and why Unix systems require the ./ syntax.

  • January 21, 2022 21 Jan'22

    Fix Apache's 'ServerRoot Must be a Valid Directory' error quickly

    Here are three easy ways to fix Apache's ServerRoot Must be a Valid Directory error. Any of these remedies will get your Apache HTTP server running again.

  • January 19, 2022 19 Jan'22

    Principle of least privilege examples & best practices

    We see examples of the principle of least privilege everywhere in our daily lives. What does the principle of least privilege mean as applied to security in software development and DevOps?

  • January 15, 2022 15 Jan'22

    How to install Apache's Web Server on Windows 10 quickly

    Let me step you though the installation of Apache's Web Server on Windows 10. You'll learn how to install Apache 2.4 on Windows, and avoid common httpd config errors.

  • January 14, 2022 14 Jan'22

    Top 5 AWS root account best practices

    The credentials of your server's super user must be protected at all costs. Here are five AWS root account best practices to protect yourself from being hacked.

  • January 14, 2022 14 Jan'22

    BitBucket SSH key generation tutorial

    This simple and straight-forward example shows you how to quickly configure BitBucket SSH keys, so you can connect Git to BitBucket with a secure shell (SSH).

  • January 14, 2022 14 Jan'22

    How to create and run a shell script in Linux and Ubuntu

    It's not hard to create and run a shell script in Linux distros like Ubuntu, but there are a few non-obvious pitfalls you need to avoid. Here's a quick example of how to execute a script in Linux.

  • January 13, 2022 13 Jan'22

    Git securely with a GitHub SSH URL example

    Where do you find the GitHub SSH URL? How do you use it to clone or pull from your remote GitHub repository? This quick Git tutorial shows you everything you need to know about the GitHub SSH URL.

  • January 11, 2022 11 Jan'22

    How to SSH into GitHub on Windows example

    Here's a quick tutorial to connect to GitHub with SSH on Windows. It's easy, and you'll establish a GitHub SSH Windows connection with Git in no time.

  • January 11, 2022 11 Jan'22

    A quick GitHub SSH clone example

    Here's a quick example of how to perform a GitHub SSH clone operation. In just five minutes, learn how to create SSH keys, configure them in GitHub and perform the GitHub clone with SSH keys in Git.

  • January 08, 2022 08 Jan'22

    How chmod numbers work explained by example

    Don't let yourself be intimidated by chmod numbers and permissions. Here's a quick and easy to understand explanation of how chmod permission numbers work in Linux.

  • January 05, 2022 05 Jan'22

    Was GitHub's password authentication removal an overstep?

    Was GitHub's removal of password based authentication a security overstep? If it makes it harder for developers to get started with Git and GitHub, it was.

  • January 02, 2022 02 Jan'22

    Git and GitHub SSH KeyGen by Example

    Here's a quick example of how to securely connect Git to GitHub with SSH KeyGen produced secure shell keys on both Windows and Linux.

  • December 31, 2021 31 Dec'21

    How to quickly change your branch in Git

    These Git branch change examples will help you quickly address the specific version control challenge you are trying to solve, be it a branch renaming or a switch, list and checkout of existing ...

  • December 29, 2021 29 Dec'21

    Fix Putty's 'Key Exchange Algorithm Agreement' error

    Ever encounter the 'Couldn't Agree a Key Exchange Algorithm' error when you fail to connect with Putty to an AWS EC2 instance or other server-side resource? This is the first fix you should try.

  • December 28, 2021 28 Dec'21

    Spring Boot file upload example with Ajax

    Do you need to find a Spring Boot file upload that uses Ajax and works with Spring MVC web apps? This example uses HTML5 file input fields and a pure JavaScript Ajax call to accomplish the task.

  • December 25, 2021 25 Dec'21

    Simple Struts 2 file upload example

    In this Struts 2 file upload example we show you to take a local resource and upload it to a remote Java application server. All a developer needs is a file, a browser and an Internet connection ...

  • December 24, 2021 24 Dec'21

    Create an HTML5 and PHP file upload form for Apache example

    It's easier than ever for a developer to upload a file with PHP and HTML5 to an Apache web server. This example shows how to create an HTML and PHP file upload component that will work in any ...

  • December 23, 2021 23 Dec'21

    Java file upload by example with Servlets & JSPs

    It's not that hard to perform Java file uploads. The new Servlet and JSP API, along with HTML5 input form enhancements, make Java file uploads, both synchronously and asynchronously with Ajax, ...

  • November 29, 2021 29 Nov'21

    Kubernetes vs Docker Compose: What's the difference?

    Confused between the difference between Kubernetes and Docker compose? Here we explain how the two DevOps construct are similar, and how they are different.

  • November 29, 2021 29 Nov'21

    How to delete a Git repository

    Trying to delete a local Git repository but the DVCS system still persists? Here's a quick example of how to locally remove a Git repo permanently and completely.

  • November 29, 2021 29 Nov'21

    How to use jarsigner to sign JARs files example

    Here's a quick example of how to use Java's jarsigner to digitially sign JAR files.

  • November 29, 2021 29 Nov'21

    How to use Java's javap tool by example

    Need to disassemble a Java class file? Want to look at the bytecode instructions generated from compiling source? These javap tool examples will show you how to use the javap command properly.

  • November 29, 2021 29 Nov'21

    How to import a Maven project from GitHub into Eclipse

    Here's a quick tutorial that shows you how to import a GitHub hosted Maven project into the Eclipse IDE.

  • November 29, 2021 29 Nov'21

    What is the difference between Docker and containerd?

    What's the difference between containerd and Docker? Here we take a look at how these two cloud-native Kubernetes friendly technologies differ and compare.

  • November 29, 2021 29 Nov'21

    The 5 things devs should know about the Jakarta Servlet 6.0 API release

    Jakarta EE 10 includes a full increment release of the Servlet API. Here are the top 5 features Java devs will enjoy when the Jakarta Servlet 6.0 API arrives.

  • November 29, 2021 29 Nov'21

    What is the difference between kubectl and kubelet in Kubernetes?

    Are you working in a cloud-native, Docker and Kubernetes based environment and you're wondering what the difference is between kubelet and kubectl? Here we clear up the kubectl vs kubelet confusion.

  • November 02, 2021 02 Nov'21

    How to delete all Git branches except master or main example

    Here is a quick Git command to delete all branches except master or main from your local repository. It's a nice way to clean up your workspace after a milestone or a sprint.

  • October 31, 2021 31 Oct'21

    What is the difference between a Docker image vs a container?

    Wondering what the difference is between a Docker image and container? Here we make the Docker container vs image comparision and show you how the two concepts differ.

  • October 31, 2021 31 Oct'21

    How to Git Uncommit Your Last Git Commit

    Need to do a git uncommit to the last commit you were working on? Learn how to quickly uncommit files updates and changes in Git.

  • October 28, 2021 28 Oct'21

    How to delete a remote Git branch

    Learn the command to properly delete remote Git branches from SaaS offerings such as GitHub and GitLab, while also deleting local remote tracking branches as well.

  • October 25, 2021 25 Oct'21

    Fix Git's "fatal: no upstream branch" error quickly example

    Here's a quick fix for Git's "fatal: The current branch has no upstream branch" error, along with a brief explanation of why this happens when you push a new Git branch to GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket.

  • October 22, 2021 22 Oct'21

    How to remove Git branches from your repository

    Need to permanently remove a Git branch locally? What about the remote tracking branch? Or maybe someone removed a Git branch on GitHub or GitLab and you need to synchronize with the server? Here ...

  • October 11, 2021 11 Oct'21

    4 ways to create a Git branch quickly by example

    Forgotten the Git branch create command? Here we'l show you four different ways to create a Git branch, be it from the current branch, from a tag or from a commit id.

  • October 06, 2021 06 Oct'21

    How to tag a Git commit id by example

    Here's a quick example of how to tag a specific commit id in Git. This is perfect if an older commit id requires a tag but was not originally given one.

  • October 02, 2021 02 Oct'21

    Create a new Git branch with current local changes saved by example

    Did you update some code in the wrong Git branch? Here's how to save those local changes in a newly created Git branch, and clean up the original branch in the process.

  • September 14, 2021 14 Sep'21

    Every change between JDK 11 and the Java 17 LTS release

    Wondering what's included in the new Java 17 LTS release? Here's a list of all the changes made to the JDK between the Java 11 and Java 17 LTS releases.

  • August 31, 2021 31 Aug'21

    When to you Docker vs Podman? A developer's perspective

    Docker and Podman play two very separate and distinct roles in the modern DevOps pipeline. Here we compare Docker and Podman and show you how to choose which one is best for you.

  • August 31, 2021 31 Aug'21

    Docker versus Virtual Machines: Which DevOps tool is best?

    Forced to choose between Docker and a virtual machine, which one should a developer choose. Here we compare and contrast the two DevOps tools and let you know which one is best to use.

  • August 31, 2021 31 Aug'21

    Fix GitHub's 'support for password authentication was removed' error

    Frustrated by GitHub's 'support for password authentication was removed' error? Here's how to fix it by creating a personal access token in GitHub.

  • July 20, 2021 20 Jul'21

    How to fork a Git repository

    Looking for the fork command in Git? Well, it doesn’t exist. Here we'll show you how to fork a Git or GitHub repo on your own.

  • July 19, 2021 19 Jul'21

    How to download an older, specific version of UiPath Studio

    Want to stop UiPath Studio from updating to the latest release all the time? Here's how to download and install a specific version of UiPath Studio.

  • July 02, 2021 02 Jul'21

    How to download and install UiPath Studio

    It’s actually a bit tricky to install UiPath. This UiPath Studio install tutorial shows you how to find the download link and the right version.

  • June 30, 2021 30 Jun'21

    How to pass variables as UiPath arguments example

    How do you use a variable from one UiPath sequence in another? This tutorial will teach you everything you need to know about passing data between workflows.

  • June 28, 2021 28 Jun'21

    How to use the UiPath Switch activity

    While the UiPath If activity is great for simple logic, multi-branching demands the UiPath Switch activity. Learn how to use it to perform conditional logic.

  • June 25, 2021 25 Jun'21

    UiPath If-Then conditional statements

    Learn how to use the conditional UiPath If activity to create branches of logic in your RPA programs. This quick UiPath If-Then example will show you how.

  • June 20, 2021 20 Jun'21

    What is a Git fork? Meaning, definition and a Git Fork example

    Need to fork GitHub at the command line? This quick Git tutorial will show you how to install the GitHub CLI tools and fork a repository in the shell.

  • June 07, 2021 07 Jun'21

    Delete the Windows recovery partition on a Lenovo Thinkpad or Desktop

    Recovery drive partition removal If you've purchased a laptop from Lenovo or desktop from Asus, there's a good chance there's a hidden recovery partition immediately after the boot sector. The ...

  • June 03, 2021 03 Jun'21

    Fix the ConcurrentModificationException

    Has the ConcurrentModificationException been thrown in you Java app? Here are four simple ways to fix the ConcurrentModificationException in your code.

  • June 02, 2021 02 Jun'21

    Quickly create a Git bare repo with init or clone example

    There are two ways to create a bare Git repo -- a bare Git clone or a Git init bare. This git bare repo tutorial will show you how to perform both.

  • May 28, 2021 28 May'21

    What is a bare repository in Git?

    A bare Git repo has all the capabilities of a non-bare repository, with the exception that it’s not meant for local development.

  • May 21, 2021 21 May'21

    How to use git submodules tutorial with examples

    If you’re wondering how to git submodule and logically link repositories together, this git submodule tutorial -- with lots of examples -- is for you.

  • May 21, 2021 21 May'21

    How to update Git submodules

    If your Git submodule is out of sync with the server, we can help. This git submodule update example shows you how to get the latest commits into your worktree.

  • April 30, 2021 30 Apr'21

    How to create Git submodules in GitHub and GitLab by example

    In this GitHub submodule add example, we demonstrate how to take an independent GitHub repository, add a Git submodule and push back to the GitHub server.

  • April 30, 2021 30 Apr'21

    Yes, the original name for Java was Oak

    When Sun Microsystems first developed a programming language to power their Star7 entertainment controller, they named it Oak, not Java.

  • April 29, 2021 29 Apr'21

    Java's main function explained with examples

    Here's the anatomy of Java's main method. An anachronism with the rise of Servlets and JSPs, Spring Boot and Eclipse Microservice developers are seeing more of Java's main function as apps are ...

  • April 08, 2021 08 Apr'21

    Microsoft previews OpenJDK distro to the delight of devs

    In a move meant to attract more Java developers to its Azure cloud and further support the Java community, Microsoft launched a preview of its own distribution of OpenJDK.

  • April 06, 2021 06 Apr'21

    Supreme Court ruling on Java APIs eases developer worries

    Now that the Supreme Court has ruled for Google over Oracle in their high-stakes copyright battle over Java APIs, developers can rest easier -- but some questions linger.

  • March 30, 2021 30 Mar'21

    How to create a GitHub repository

    This GitHub repository tutorial shows users how to create a new repository in the popular, cloud-hosted Git offering. Let’s dig into the central concepts of GitHub-based DevOps.

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